This Sh*t is BANDANAS
Fall is around the corner, which means we are about two-quarters of the way through 2018. There has been many fashion trends circulating through out the year - many of which I wasn't crazy for such as the "dad" sneakers trend and the throwback 80's fanny pack trend. No shade to to anyone who love these trends, but they're just not my cup of tea.
However, my fav trend of this year so far has to be the bandana. Who would have thought that a such a simple accessory could Chic up an outfit. They come in a variety of colors and patterns so you can find one that works with any outfits.
This accessory was a huge trend in the nighties. However, back then people were styling it as a head wrap - wearing it as a head accessory rather than a neck accessory. You will find major 90’s icons such as Tupac, J-Lo, Aliyah, and Justin Timberlake rocking this look.
Today, you will find Kendall Jenner and Antoni (Queer Eye) wearing the current version of the bandana trend.
Personally, I prefer the current way of bandanas neck tie over head wrap, but maybe I'm just a product of my time. I think it adds a bit of sophistication and can elevate an outfit. I totally recommend any of you to try this out!